Saturday, October 23, 2010

I want to grow?

I am 13 and i am 5'5. I want to be taller. Like 5'8, or 5'9. Is there anyway to make myself tallerI want to grow?
you can use an inversion machine to hang upside down and help counteract gravity to gain an inch. if you're only 13 and 5'5" already, then you're probably going to be at least 5'8" and I wouldn't worry about it. If in 3 years, you're still 5'5" then you might be able to get growth steroids/hormones from a doctor. Not the kind that make you manly, but there are some that effect growth. I know a guy who was born premature, and the doctors gave him growth steroids and he's 6'4" now even though his family is all below 6'...
your height is all determined by genetics. if you were meant to be tall, then you are going to be tall, if not, then just deal with it. you can't make yourself taller.
you are already pretty tall for your age. you can't change how tall you will be, but you can make sure that you don't stunt your growth by smoking or by taking in a lot of caffiene. (it depletes calcium which is essential for bone growth) make sure you get enough calcium...milk, cheese, forth.
no matter how tall you end up, it is important that you love the body you have.

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