Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I have this twitch in my eye and its driving me crazy! What the heck is it from??

I have this twitch in my eye and its driving me crazy! What the heck is it from??
It's nothing its just your nerves . like a pulse right? It will go away
twitching eye could indicated stress, worries or in most cases that your tired
either fatigue from too much computer, or reading...or stress can cause it...or more likely lack of potassium- which causes cramping and twitching. Eat a couple of bananas over a couple days and see if it helps.
Wow I get those to at times!! It can be caused from any of the following:
Irritation of the Cornea or Conjunctiva
Lack of sleep
Prolonged staring at a computer screen or television
Nervous system disorders
There is no way to tell for sure until you visit an eye doctor.
However, A lot of times and can be that your eye is tired. Throughout the day if you spend a lot of time... Watching TV, Reading, Computer, etc... Every 15 - 20 minutes look away at something far and look left and look right... Just a glimpse you don't have to stare in space for hours lol.l... Just something to make your eye focus on something further away for a minute.
Try this a few days if you don't notice it helping contact your Eye Doctor.
I get that from time to time. One time it lasted for a couple of weeks, it drove me crazy too, but it eventually went away. Not sure what causes them, seems to affect the left eye mostly. No harm.
You need more calcium.
usually caused by nerve disorder.

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