Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I nee help with xanax?

I had take about 4 xanax bars wich equals 8mg on friday but im still feeling them today i took them with orange juice, how do i make the feeling go away i need to feel sober for work, im extremely calm right now.I nee help with xanax?
Drink plenty of water and do not take anymore unless your doctor tells you too. 8 mg is a huge dose. If you had just taken them, I would have told you to go immediately to the ER. However, you are almost out of the woods for serious effects.
But....If you begin to get shakey, sweaty, heart beating fast, nauseated/vomiting, paranoid, or seeing or hearing things that aren't there, then I'd call an ambulance. You could be "detoxing" from the dose. This can be very, very dangerous, even deadly with this class of drugs (benzodiazepines).
For work tomorrow: if you are feeling too tired, too calm, or a little unsteady, then I'd call in sick. Don't drive if you have any of the effects remaining. Either way, call your doctor and let her know what happened. This way, she will know why the script ran out too quickly, and she'll be able to help you monitor for the bad effects that could occur.
Most of all, remember that this medicine is still in your system, so you are not out of danger just yet. Best of luck.
My recommendation is not to abuse prescription drugs. Also, drinking plenty of fluids might make them flush out of your body quicker.
You cant do anything to make it go away you just have to let it ware off . why did you take so much anyway??
You should be taking a prescriptive dose if you need this drug and not through bars which probably do not have an exact doseage or FDA testing! See a doctor for advise and don't rely on us.

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