Saturday, October 23, 2010

I need help.................?

i have a really bad sore throte, when i swallow it hurts bad! and when i talk it hurts to, and it just kinda hurts in general. Do you think it is strep throte, or just a commmon sore throte, or something else.?I need help.................?
Here is a link to help you make an informed decision. Most likely you will need to visit your doctor for a strep culture to be sure, but this page gives information about strep and treatment.
To help relieve the symptoms, follow basic rules:
Make sure you are drinking lots of fluids (try warm tea or popsicles ~ depending on whether warmth or cold soothes you). Take vitamin C, and try chicken stock (a good chicken stock really can sooth you and will give you fuel to heal). Get plenty of rest and try a humidifier or at least a hot shower to soothe your upper respiratory system. Try not to talk too much, get rest, and use lozenges to provide pain relief.
Please check out the pages I linked, and I hope you feel better.
That's really a question to ask your doctor. You will usually find white spots on your throat with strep. It's highly contagious. See the doc especially if you have a fever. Drink lots of fluids. Gargle with a warm salt mixture. Honey is soothing for a sore throat as well.
did the sore throat just show up all of a sudden, or did it appear gradually? How long have you had it?

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