Saturday, October 23, 2010

I took seraquil for three years. now what?

There was an anouncement that seraquil was dangerous.
Somebody said i should get money or sue. What do i do?I took seraquil for three years. now what?
All drugs are potentially dangerous. If the Seroquel did something to you, you are entitled to something. If it didn't do anything to you, then you are entitled to nothing. BTW, no drug has ever cured BP, depression, anxiety, or any mental disorder. Cognitive therapy is the only true cure.
yeah all of those antipsychotic meds have dangers, mainly the drug induced parkinson's disease (incidence is relatively low though with seroquel to my knowledge- and i think that's what people are usually suing over, but im not totally sure, thats just what ive heard from others). i would talk to a local pharmacist about it and see what they know. however schizophrenia, which is what its typically used for, can be very debilitating to a person's life so the benefit outweighs the risks involved. there are a lot less dangers with seroquel than there are with the traditional anti-psych meds. honestly i dont think people should be able to sue because it is well known that there are a lot of risks with those. if you have long term harm and you really want to do it, call one of those lawyer hotlines and get some information. if you werent harmed by it, you really shouldnt be suing in my opinion
Quetiapine (serequal) is a major tranquillizer and is one of the better anti psychotics on the market. Different people have side effects but its usually a small percentage who suffer from rare s/effects. Good luck trying to sue a giant pharmaceutical company.

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