Tuesday, October 26, 2010

If I were to give a conference in a USA hospital which topic will be of interest? (Latinoamerican Dr.)?

If I were to give a conference in a USA hospital which topic will be of interest? (Latinoamerican Dr.)?
Perhaps cover topics which are specific to Latinoamericans
I would definitely give it on Chagas or a disease that you have more commonly in Latin Amerca that we don't see that often here. You should tell us what to look for and treatment (include lots of pictures). That way when we see these diseases in recent immigrants and travelers we can make the right diagnosis.
Good luck!!
MRSA. This is a disease that is running rampant now. It is not just in the hospitals, but out in the community. You can now get it quite easily, and the major cause is because people are not using hand hygiene. It affects one culture as much as another.
Drug treatment and prevention of abuse.
How about a salsa recipe.
Taking children off the awful drug concertaer 54mg METHLPHENIDATE and ritalin..................... Alot of doctors are drug pushers for children starting at young as 4,,,,,,,, If you have the guts to do this and do some research on the drug and the awful effects it as on children you would be doing the WHOLE world a favor..

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